Manufacture of high-end furniture for restaurants and hotels
We use all our expertise in design, conception and manufacture of furniture to meet the most specific needs. Ergonomics and seating comfort are our top priorities when designing furniture. We favour warm and vivid colours, while taking care to remain timeless and to stick to the style of the place. Our goal: to reveal the personality of your establishment and to differentiate you from the competition.
We first seek inspiration by immersing ourselves in the place, its history, its geographical location… The style must be consistent with the image we wish to give. We make sketches before choosing the materials, always bearing in mind that they must be designed to be solid and durable, easy to maintain. We launch the prototypes which we will adjust before launching the mass production.
Projects of manufacture of high-end furniture
for restaurants and hotels
Our latest articles

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Designing furniture for restaurants and hotels: improving productivity and saving time for teams
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What is ergonomic furniture?
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Our advice on choosing functional and efficient furniture for your hotel or restaurant
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